You have to hand it to the Italians. Not only are they kings of gluten free products, they do it in some serious style. Take this gluten free panettone, for example. The panettone is a traditional Christmas cake from northern Italy. It’s a type of very light, sweet bread which is baked into a cupola shape.

I seemed such a crime to unwrap it from it’s beautiful packaging.

But I’m so glad I did. When I carefully slipped it out of its packaging, I was immediately greeted by the delicious and intense aroma of lemons and oranges. Wow, what a scent. For a moment I could have sworn I was sitting on a sunny veranda overlooking the sea with lemons trees and the sound of cicadas chirping all around. But no, wintery London it was.

This gluten free panettone had a very light and almost fluffy texture with a delicate citrus flavour and enough, but not too many, juicy raisins. Having eaten a second slice, I found myself picking up each and every crumb from the plate. I liked it. A lot.

Many thanks to Elena at K+E Fine Imports who very generously sent this to me. Next Christmas, I shall be making a bulk purchase of these fantastic panettone to share with friends and family. If I don’t eat them all first, that is.
Buon Natale!
Where can I buy one and how much to they cost please?
gluten free panettone who in the UK is selling it this year (2012) Sainsburys aren’t and my phone bill is increasing. HELP!
Is there a way I may purchase this? I live in Los Angeles and I’m Italian so I’ve always enjoyed Panettone at the holiday season. However, I have a girlfriend with celiac disease who has never tried it and I’d like for her to be able to share the experience. I found some online recipes for gluten free panetonne but from their own pictures the result seems to lack the proper consistency, not to mention the delightful paper wrapping. If I have to import this from Italy myself, that would be fine. I’d just like to know where to find it.
Thanks all for your comments. I have GREAT news!
Elena has been in touch and she has been able to source an excellent gluten free panettone from Italy. She will be selling them via her new business,, from the end of November once they have arrived in the UK from Italy.
Please contact her directly to check stock availability / price. It is also worth checking out for imported Italian gluten free pasta, biscuits, flour and more.
Steven – many thanks for leaving a comment all the way from LA! I have to agree with you, the packaging on this panettone was very pretty and made it a wonderful gift.
You are amazing! Thanks for saving my life. I leave for Rome and Paris late in 2013 and did not know if I would be able to eat anything but olives. You all did it For me! Molto Grazi! I will be searching this site and letting you know of GF treasures in the Seattle area!
Jill – thanks so much for the feedback. You’ll have a wonderful time in Rome. Make sure to check my blog posts on Italy. There are some great tips from other travellers on the Rome post.
I’d love to hear more about gluten free treasures in Seattle, it’s on my ‘must visit soon’ list.