Usually I like it when packaging of gluten free goods quietly whispers “I’m gluten free” in small text at the bottom of the back of the packet. It makes me feel ‘normal’. But I just popped into Waitrose and saw this new packaging for a 4 pack of my favourite Eat Natural bars.
There’s nothing subtle about this. It’s shouting at the top of it’s voice, “Hello lady, buy me, I’m gluten free!” but it’s fun and it made me smile after a long day in the office.

The back:

It reads:
“Dear Eat Naturalists:
Some people think being on a gluten free diet is a really miserable life of unexciting and tasteless stuff to eat. Well, excuse me, but that’s just a pile of nonsense. Just take a little gander at the gorgeous stuff in this bar and tell me who’s “going without”.
Rich dark chocolate, juicy cranberries, crunchy macademias and brazils, coconut, honey….Compromise? Are you having a laugh?
Seems like there’s nothing to worry about at all. So why all the fuss? Come to think of it…it’s just a really delicious bar which everyone can enjoy.
Don’t know why we even mentioned the ‘gluten free’ thing in the first place.
Simple…isn’t it?”
Brilliant! Couldn’t have put it better myself!
Gluten Free Mrs D
Fab 🙂
That's really cute.
Nice GF humour on the packaging!
Since you're living in London, check out my dining in London blog – The Gluten Free Foodie
If you know of any restaurant gems I should check out please do let me know!
Hi Carol Ann – Thanks, I have your blog saved in my favourites! I read your review of Hell Pizza – but am still yet to try it.
These are available in NZ as well. I LOVE these.
That’s great news! I visited NZ for first time 2 years ago and absolutely fell in love with the country. We’re frequent visitors to Australia (family there) so am hoping we will take a trip back to NZ soon and so it’s good to know my favourite Eat Natural is available there.
Bought for packs of these yesterday that’s how much I love them…but don’t you think the packaging is a bit misleading in the size? Yeah u know it says snack size, but their non multi packs are the right size? Or do they expect you to eat them in 2 sittings.
Anyways groan over, love the site. Am recent “convert” to gluten free so need all the help I can get.
Hello, thanks for stopping by! I do know what you mean about the size of the bars. I often have them when I’m out doing long hikes and I do find the full size bars are too much mid walk (and end up sharing half the bar) whereas the snack size from the 4 packs are just about right. Maybe I just got used to the smaller size, though! I have to say when I was recently diagnosed with almond (hazelnut & chestnut) allergies I was really concerned I wouldn’t be able to eat the macademia, cranberry and chocolate bars any more. SO pleased they’re not off limits!