Gluten Free News

What’s new in the gluten free world. Covering new book releases, gluten free awards and other information for those with coeliac disease / gluten intolerance.

Snack on the Run…Eat Natural

It’s fair to say that not eating gluten means that the treats available are drastically reduced. Most regular shops simply don’t stock gluten free alternatives. I can’t pop to the newsagents or small Tesco near my office and pick up just anything. But this is probably not such a bad thing as I’m trying to watch my weight at the moment!

However there are times when I do need to have something small to keep me going. Long walks are just such an occaision. A 15 mile walk isn’t achievable without an energy boost halfway. As I can’t rely on finding something suitable to eat along the way, I need to pack a snack in advance.

So what’s my weapon of choice?
Eat Natural bars. The Eat Natural website lists all their bars as gluten free and some are 100% organic too. My favourite is the Cranberry and Macademia with Dark Chocolate.

This little bar of yummy gorgeousness is about as naughty as it gets without stepping into the realms of gluten free alternatives. In a few weeks when I climb Snowdon, I can guarantee one of these bars will be coming up the mountain with me! Naughty, but oh so nice.

Gluten Free Mrs D

Sushi Lunch…Itsu

Sushi Lunch…Itsu

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Surprising Items Labelled as Gluten Free: Branston Pickle

Surprising Items Labelled as Gluten Free: Branston Pickle

Without doubt one of the most read posts on this blog concerns Branston Pickle and answers the question, is pickle gluten free? You might …
Art and the Arcadian Gluten Free Chocolate Brownie

Art and the Arcadian Gluten Free Chocolate Brownie

One of the upsides with not being able to eat gluten is that as long as I’m careful, watching my portion sizes …
Limey Snack Attack

Limey Snack Attack

I think in life you’re either a sweetie or a salty. I watch people in the office devour packs of Haribo as …