Gluten Free at the Tate Modern

I’m a big fan of the Tate Modern. I’ve had some very enjoyable trips here over the years that I’ve been living in London. From lazy Sunday afternoons gazing at the art, history of art class field trips and study days to evening views with a glass of wine overlooking St Paul’s. And I could (and have!) happily spent several hours in the fabulous book store.

I was quite excited about visiting the Miro exhibition.

I enjoyed this major retrospective of a Surrealist artist I didn’t know much about. It was so interesting to view his art work and consider the historical / political changes which occurred through his  lifetime and artistic career; World War I, Spanish Civil War, World War World II and Franco’s dictatorship in Spain. I felt that I learnt something from the exhibition and came away feeling his work was less challenging to view than I’d thought prior to visiting.

One of the big advantages of being a member at the Tate is the Member’s Room. It’s located on the 6th floor and has truly fabulous views up and down the river, including St Paul’s opposite and towards the City. It’s not only Tate Members who enjoy the view, the Tate Modern Restaurant is located above the Member’s Room on the 7th floor and has the same amazing view.

We decided to pop up to the Member’s room for a refreshment. The menu has several gluten free items listed:

This sandwich wasn’t listed on the menu above but there was an egg mayonnaise and watercress  on gluten free bread. Bit of a surprise! I also think £2.75 is pretty reasonable price.

They also had some gluten free chocolate cake. I really liked that all of the ingredients were listed.

I went for a slice of chocolate cake. It was yum but lucky Mr D was donated half of it. I also had the best pot of jasmine tea I’ve had since the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong which is my benchmark for jasmine tea. No cushion tidier in the Tate Modern though!

Although the food options featured in this blog post are from the Tate Member’s Room, the Tate Modern has several other eating and drinking options including Cafe 2 and Tate Modern restaurant where gluten free options are available. Please click here for more information and various menus.

I think it’s great that the Tate Modern offer several gluten free options and at very reasonable prices. All profits from the restaurants go to support the gallery.

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  1. Very informative post. I wish I had found your blog before I went to London back in June! I really had no idea how many places there were to get GF food there. I was kind of just stuck eating steak and risotto when we went out there. Can’t wait to eat at some of these places next time I go!

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